Well I had to quickly post something on the blog, just anything to get those half naked pictures of Tony and Chitters off the front page - I ask you, who wants to see near naked pictures of beer bellied middle aged celebrities when you could be looking at a picture of an athletic looking hairy arsed man dressed as a woman - no wonder the speed of donations over the last 24 hours has slowed down, I'm sure this picture will change all that !
I'm quite enjoying my new found fame of being classed as either 'a man in drag' (The Sun 19 June) or 'Dad your a freak' (My son 23 June) - the pictures taken some weeks ago by Helen Turton seem to have found their way onto many weird and wonderful web sites and many publications - the best quote I've seen describes our friend Tom McNally as 'a poor soul dressed as a banana !'.
Later in the week we will be out pounding the streets of that North West shopping Mecca known as Denton to hopefully link it in nicely to Tarzans bananathon - there's a lot that's been said about Denton, most of which can be ignored, but its gone through a revival over the last couple of years and we are looking forward to meeting some of the great characters who live and work there.
Talking of great Denton characters I bet you didn't know that these good folks started off in Denton :
Jimmy Armfield OBE, England footballer and mumbling radio commentator and also now Freeman of the Borough of Blackpool.
Thomas Bowler and his uncle William who were both hat makers were born in Denton and moved to Southwark in London around 1840, where they became involved in the development of the hat which now bears their name.
That great looking ginger crooner Mick Hucknall, who became the lead singer of Simply Red lived in Denton and attended Audenshaw Grammar School and my mum used to work with his sister in law making shirts !
Sir Geoff Hurst the West Ham United and England 1966 World Cup footballer lived in Denton until he was 8-years old. His proud grandfather lived on Cemetery Road until his death.
Brian Statham, regarded as one of the greatest Lancashire and England bowlers ever. As you can see the list is endless so you can understand why we want to go there !
Anyway back to the question in the title - come the big day (September 13th) should I run with smooth ladylike legs or keep them hairy and manly, and if they were to become smooth should they be shaved, waxed (ouch!) or use one of those girly creams - I'm trying hard not to sound like an expert in body hair removal so perhaps I'll keep deliberating that question till nearer the time.
Keep up the great work everybody and look out Denton here we come !
Jane x
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