We have two ebay auctions on the go for two fantastic donated items. Both are boxed and new.

Verity Rushworth aka Emmerdale's Donna Windsor Dingle Modelling The Watch
Auction One is for a Versace Fabourg Watch donated by Chisholm Hunter. This retails at around £750 and is currently without a bid at a reserve of £400, an absolute bargain for such a beautiful timepiece. There are a number of pictures and a full description on the ebay page.

Auction Two is for a Farida Bass Guitar donated by Dawsons Music in Manchester. This item currently has one bid at £100 but bought from Dawsons would go for £160. Another bargain. Again, details on the ebay page.
If you are interested or know anyone who might be, please bid.
Tarzan x
1 comment:
Well done Anthony, and also your running partners.
Chris and Margaret
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