It's often either feast or famine at work, with quiet periods where you get days off from filming and you don't have many scripts to prepare or lines to learn, offset by barmy times when the days are long and the planning and memorising have to take priority. This last week has been a feast of roman proportions with the added 'complication' (yes, I know I could have stayed in and felt fresher) of four corking nights out.
Last thursday night we finished early at quarter past six, so by 7.45 I had run, showered and was out for a meal with mates at 8pm. Pizza Express Etna Pizza consumed (which I discovered the next morning was just as hot coming out as it was going in) I agreed to the offer of 'just one drink' in Headingley, safe in the knowledge I would be tucked up in my digs by ten. Then 'just one more' became 'just one more' until Doctor Who's tardis took us to being turfed out of 'The Box' at one in the morning. 'Luckily' Subway was still open and their Reggae Reggae sauce special tempted us to a spicy end to the quiet evening out.
Alright, I'll come clean I have this week become obsessed by Levi Roots' Reggae Reggae sauce song and particularly the bit at the end where he says "Chipssss" and just wanted a reason to write about it.
The other nights out were great too and my non blogging time has been used very constructively in that we now have a route in place, just two venues to find and timings for all the venues. Some of the city centre ones may tweak by twenty minutes, but the event is really taking shape.
Sean has been ace throughout all this, updating the blog and liasing with venues and LRF to boot, none of which he is obliged to do, so I just wanted to say thanks mate, you are a star.
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