I have always been a fan of vintage clothes and the more enlightened of you may have twigged that I have a penchant for dress of the fancy variety. A few years ago I spent a whole month in seventies gear raising money for LRF, an idea which seemed good at the time but in retrospect was not one of my best. Sick of explaining what I was doing by the first week, visiting the co-op for a pack of bog rolls in flares, platform shoes and a shirt with penny round collars was a became a bit of a chore.
American Graffitti on Hilton Street is an Aladdin's cave of extravagant fashion. Heaving with fabulous clothing, accessories and memorabilia it is a haven for folk like me and store manager Tracey Collin, despite having never seen an episode of the nation's favourite Yorkshire based soap, turned out to be keen supporter of the bananathon.
An event like the bananathon is made up of many facets and promotion and awareness is one of them. September 13th kicks off Leukaemia Awareness week, where LRF has to compete with all the other week's news and issues to find space in the media. Every hit in a newspaper, on the radio or televison adds to people's knowledge of the condition and the fund's work. Editors and producers have a myriad of images to chose from and the celebrity driven aspect of the media is one of the most competitive. What am I going on about......?
American Graffitti will be styling Tarzan, Jane and The Banana for the evening at Tiger Tiger.
I won't say any more than that, other than making a banana look dignified on the red carpet and taking Sean's shoulder measurements are two of the quandaries in Tracey's capable hands.
Prepare to be impressed!
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