Twelve days without a blog.
I managed to see a few emails on my mobile but couldn't open them, not even a telly in our caravan (sorry, deluxe mobile home), which meant the break was really a break. Not that great for getting anything done, but ace for recharging the batteries.
Back last night, leaving Jane and his family to enjoy the sunshine to be greeted by eight scripts with a million lines and just the call you want on a Monday morning, 8am at the Emmerdale village.
Less than four weeks to go to the big day and hundreds of things still need doing, but on the whole they will have to wait till Wednesday when I will have a few hours with my laptop travelling to and from London to appear on ITV daytime's This Morning. I will be on at 10.30am ish talking about this weeks storyline and Tarzan's Bananathon. I also had the pleasure of chatting with Natalie Anglesey today and she will be writing a piece for the Manchester Evening News over the next week or so.
I'll keep it brief because I have a lot of lines to learn for the morning and hope to get in bed by 9pm. I will be up at just after 5 in the morning so I can drive over to Leeds and run before my 8 o'clock call. For the time being I am back in Training, I weighed 11 stone 13 last night and need to drop some girth before the bananathon and I also have one eye on a marathon at the end of November and giving it a proper go for a sub 3 hour time.
Anyway, shut up Tarzan and get on with naming the venues........
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